The Romanian Institute
of Orthodox Theology and Spirituality, New York

Institutul Roman de Teologie si Spiritualitate Ortodoxa, New York

Lumină Lină. Gracious Light - abstracts of academic articles

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Dan Anghelescu, Meditaţii despre Cultură şi neliniştitoarele ei fiinţări

Lumină Lină. Gracious Light, Nr. 4, 2020


Constantin Miu, Beția olfactivă – narcoza albă în poezia simbolistă românească

Lumină Lină. Gracious Light, Nr. 4, 2020


Tudor Nedelcea, Imn Eminescului

Lumină Lină. Gracious Light, Nr. 4, 2020


Dan Toma Dulciu, Mihai Eminescu în ziare din Statele Unite ale Americii Sec. XIX

Lumină Lină. Gracious Light, Nr. 4, 2020



Nicolae Mareş, Iorga despre Eminescu în context literar polonez (un text olograf – inedit)

Lumină Lină. Gracious Light, Nr. 3, 2020


Constantin Miu, Elemente de basm în Luceafărul  

Lumină Lină. Gracious Light, Nr. 3, 2020


Victor Ravini, Unde este patria?

Lumină Lină. Gracious Light, Nr. 3, 2020



Nicolae Nicolescu, Adevărul suprem dumnezeiesc: Taina Sfintei Treimi

Lumină Lină. Gracious Light, Nr. 2, 2020


Valentin Coşereanu, Facerea cărţii. Cuvânt lămuritor

Lumină Lină. Gracious Light, Nr. 2, 2020


Marian Nencescu, Arheul eminescian, de la poveste la ființă

Lumină Lină. Gracious Light, Nr. 2, 2020


Vasile Mărculeţ, Considerații privind situația și statutul Bisericii Ortodoxe din Transilvania între ultimul sfert al secolului al XIV-lea și începutul secolului al XVI-lea

Lumină Lină. Gracious Light, Nr. 1, 2020


Regarding the Situation and Status of the Orthodox Church from Transylvania between the Last Quarter of the 14th Century and the Beginning of the 16th Century


Abstract: At the end of the eighth decade of the 14th century the Orthodox Church from Transylvania was organized as an archiepiscopate. Its only known high priest is Archbishop Ghelasie from Râmeț (1377). In the first half of the following decade, probably between July 1381 and September 1st 1386, the Orthodox Church from Transylvania was placed under the jurisdiction of the metropolitan of Hungro-Wallachia, the one with his residence at Argeș. He became ‘exarch of all Hungarian part and of all regions’. The exercise of jurisdiction by the metropolitan of Hungro-Wallachia upon the Orthodox Church of Transylvania is documentary attested until May 1401.


During the second half of the 15th century the historical sources register the following high priests of the Orthodox Church from Transylvania: metropolitan Ioannes de Caffa (1456), archbishop Iovanychik/ Ioanicius de Nandoralbensis (1479), most likely, the one and the same with Ioannes de Caffa, and archbishop Daniil (approx. 1481/1482 - approx. 1503/1505). In the first halt of the following century are mentioned bishops Markos / Marcus / Marcu (approx. 1503/1505 - approx. 1516), Danciu (1516 - 1533), Anastasie (approx. 1534 - aprox. 1537), „bishop of Vad and Feleac”, and Petru (approx. 1537 - approx. 1550), invested at Bucharest.


At the beginning of the 16th century the Orthodox diocese from Transylvania was downgraded to the rank of bishopric. In 1512, in the title of the Metropolitan Macarius of Hungro-Wallachia reappears the phrase metropolitan „of the Land” („al Plaiului”). This phrase allows us to draw the conclusion that his religious jurisdiction was also exercised over the Orthodox Church of Transylvania.


Key words: Ghelasie, Râmeț, Feleac, Transylvania, Anthimos, Macarius, Hungro-Wallachia, Marcus, Daniil, Ioannes, Ivonychik, Danciu.



Theodor Damian, George Balan despre Eminescu: Interpretări îndoielnice

Lumină Lină. Gracious Light, Nr. 1, 2020

Vasile Mărculeț, Considerații privind situația și statutul Bisericii Ortodoxe din Transilvania în secolul al XV-lea

Lumină Lină. Gracious Light, Nr. 4, 2019


Regarding the Situation and Status of the Orthodox Church from Transylvania in the 15th Century


Abstract: At the end of the eighth decade of the 14th century the Orthodox Church from Transylvania was organized as an archiepiscopate. During the second half of the 15th century the historical sources register the following high priests of the Orthodox Church from Transylvania: metropolitan Ioannes de Caffa (1456), archbishop Iovanychik / Ioanicius de Nandoralbensis (1479), most likely, the one and the same with Ioannes de Caffa, and archbishop Daniil (aprox. 1481/1482-aprox. 1503/1505). In the first halt of the following century are mentioned bishops Markos / Marcus / Marcu (aprox. 1503/1505-aprox. 1516), Danciu (1516-1533), Anastasie (aprox. 1534-aprox. 1537), „bishop of Vad and Feleac”, and Petru (aprox. 1537-aprox. 1550), invested at Bucharest. At the beginning of the 16th century the Orthodox diocese from Transylvania was downgraded to the rank of bishopric.


Key words: Transylvania, Feleac, Macarius, Marcus, Daniil, Ioannes, Ivanychik, Danciu.



Victor Ravini, Matematica la Ion Creangă

Lumină Lină. Gracious Light, Nr. 4, 2019


Dan Anghelescu, Exilul vs. Utopia - Derapajele raţiunii în Europa postbelică

Lumină Lină. Gracious Light, Nr. 4, 2019


Tudor Nedelcea, Vasile Militaru, un martir al ortodoxiei

Lumină Lină. Gracious Light, Nr. 3, 2019


Marian Nencescu, Vocație și suflet românesc la Constantin Rădulescu-Motru

Lumină Lină. Gracious Light, Nr. 3, 2019


Valentin Coşereanu, Eminescu în 1878 și poezia Învierea

Lumină Lină. Gracious Light, Nr. 2, 2019


Tudor Nedelcea, Eminescu despre Constantin Brâncoveanu

Lumină Lină. Gracious Light, Nr. 2, 2019


Lucia Olaru Nenati, O coincidenţă tulburătoare la Ipoteşti

Lumină Lină. Gracious Light, Nr. 2, 2019


Ioan Iacob, Arc poetic transatlantic: Mihai Eminescu – Edgar Allan Poe. Melancolia poescă/ eminesciană (fragment)

Lumină Lină. Gracious Light, Nr. 2, 2019


Theodor Codreanu, Fenomenul Ştefan / Savatie Baştovoi

Lumină Lină. Gracious Light, Nr. 1, 2019


Ion Haineş, Eminescu, contemporanul nostru

Lumină Lină. Gracious Light, Nr. 1, 2019


Anca Sîrghie, Vasile Alecsandri şi Unirea Principatelor

Lumină Lină. Gracious Light, Nr. 1, 2019



Dan Anghelescu, Poeţi centenari ai exilului românesc - Ştefan Baciu – poet al unui  tragic aproape-departe

Lumină Lină. Gracious Light, Nr. 4, 2018


Nicolae Mareş, Lucian Blaga sau Despre recuperarea gândirii sapiențiale blagiene din perioada lusitană

Lumină Lină. Gracious Light, Nr. 3, 2018


Vasile Stancu, Implicarea preoților militari români în Războiul de Reîntregire Națională

Lumină Lină. Gracious Light, Nr. 3, 2018


Anca Sîrghie, Drumul de la „lumea cea gândită”, din anii de studii, la școala „cea aievea”, ca instituție identitară, în viziunea publicistului Mihai Eminescu

Lumină Lină. Gracious Light, Nr. 3, 2018


Dan Anghelescu, Vintilă Horia: Credinţă şi cunoaştere

Lumină Lină. Gracious Light, Nr. 2, 2018

Nicolae Mareș, Kazimiera Iłłakowiczowna sau Despre dragostea poetei  poloneze pentru poporul român, pentru Eminescu și Blaga

Lumină Lină. Gracious Light, Nr. 2, 2018


Dumitru Chioaru, Mitul lui Orfeu şi istoria poeziei

Lumină Lină. Gracious Light, Nr. 1, 2018


Anca Sîrghie, Lucian Blaga și redobândirea harului creator prin iubire

Lumină Lină. Gracious Light, Nr. 1, 2018


Ion Haineş, Din nou despre Psalmii lui Tudor Arghezi

Lumină Lină. Gracious Light, Nr. 1, 2018


Teodora Nojea, Motivul rivalității dintre frați în romanul lui Thomas Mann Iosif și frații săi

Lumină Lină. Gracious Light, Nr. 1, 2018

Vasile Mărculeț, Considerații privind jurisdicția ecleziastică a Bisericii Târnovei în epoca Asăneștilor

Lumină Lină. Gracious Light, Nr. 4, 2017


Abstract: The establishment of the Vlaho-Bulgarian Tsardom, at the end of the 12th century (1185-1187), was joined by the process of organizing its institutions. Its most important institution was the Church. On October 26 1186, the monk Basil was consecrated „archbishop of entire Bulgaria” or of Zagori and metropolitan of Tarnovo. At the same time the Orthodox Archdiocese of Tarnovo was born. The new ecclesiastical province was not recognized neither by the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, neither by the autocephalous Archdiocese of Ohrida. With this status the Archdiocese of Tarnovo functioned until 1203. In this first stage of its functioning, the Archdiocese of Tarnovo had under its jurisdiction four dioceses: the Metropolitan Church of Tarnovo, the Archdiocese of Vidin and two others dioceses that were unnamed. The jurisdiction of the Archdiocese of Tarnovo was influenced by the extension or the compression of the Vlaho-Bulgarian possessions. At the end of the 12th century, the Archdiocese of Tarnovo was exerting its ecclesiastical jurisdiction over seven dioceses: the Metropolitan Churches of Tarnovo and Preslav and the Dioceses of Skopje, Velbužd, Sredec, Malešovo and Vidin.


On February 25, 1204, Pope Innocent III was consecrating metropolitan Basil „archbishop of Tarnovo and primate of entire Bulgaria and Wallachia (Archiepiscopus Trinovitanus, Primas totius Bulgariae et Blachiae)” or „archbishop-primate of entire Bulgaria and Wallachia (archiepiscopus primas totius Bulgariae et Blachiae)”. The Archdiocese of Tarnovo was becoming an archdiocese united with the Roman Church and being on direct subordination of the Holy See of Rome. At the moment of its union with Rome the Archdiocese of Tarnovo was exerting its jurisdiction over 12 dioceses: the Metropolitan Churches of Târnovo, Velbužd and Preslav, and the Dioceses of Skopje, Priština, Vidin, Niš, Sirmium, Belgrad, Braničevo, Sredec and Malešovo. At the end of the rule of Tsar Ionita Asan, (October 1207) the number of dioceses subordinated to the united Archdiocese of Tarnovo rose to 13. In the absence of certain information regarding this aspect the number remains relative. According to some opinions at the beginning of the rule of Ionita Asan II the united Archdiocese of Tarnovo was exerting its ecclesiastical jurisdiction over 15 or 16 dioceses.


In 1232, through the break of the union with Rome, by Ionita Asan II, the Archdiocese of Tarnovo became independent. During the same year, following a treaty with the authorities from Nicaea, the Archbishop of Tarnovo recognized the supreme authority of the ecumenical patriarch. In the spring of 1235 the Synod from Lampsakos was raising the Church of Tarnovo to patriarchal rank and was recognizing its independence. A list of the dioceses subordinated to the Patriarchate of Tarnovo, made after 1235 included in the Boril’s Synodikon shows the fact that the Patriarchate of Tarnovo was exerting its jurisdiction over nine metropolitan churches (Preslav, Cerven, Loveć, Sredec, Oveć, Dristra, Serrai, Phlippi and Mesembria), a archdiocese (Ohrida) and four dioceses (Velbužd, Braničevo, Belgrad and Niš).



Anca Sîrghie, Actualitatea psalmilor lui Tudor Arghezi

Lumină Lină. Gracious Light, Nr. 4, 2017


M. N. Rusu, Irina Procopiu şi poetul George Petcu

Lumină Lină. Gracious Light, Nr. 4, 2017

N. Georgescu, Iarăși despre ateismul din Mortua est!

Lumină Lină. Gracious Light, Nr. 4, 2017


Valentin Coşereanu, Europenismul eminoviceştilor

Lumină Lină. Gracious Light, Nr. 4, 2017



Silviu-Constantin Nedelcu, Rolul misionar al monahismului în America. Studiu de caz: Ieromonahul Serafim Rose (1934-1982) şi Mănăstirea Sfântului Gherman de Alaska (Platina, California)

Lumină Lină. Gracious Light, Nr. 2, 2017

Nicoale Mareş, Eminescu și Chopin - similitudini și paralele; ambii sub pecetea inconfundabilă a geniului

Lumină Lină. Gracious Light, Nr. 2, 2017

M. N. Rusu, Ferecătură de carte veche religioasă

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 1, 2017

Heinz-Uwe Haus, Necessity versus Progress: Does Ancient Greek Theatre Provide a Vehicle to Guarantee Equal ights or Does It Simply Imply a Virtuous System?

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 1, 2017

Sorin Lory Buliga
, Mituri esenţiale comune lui C. Brâncuşi şi M. Eliade

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 1, 2017

Adrian Lesenciuc
, Traseele lui Mihail Sebastian în scrierea romanului Accidentul. Lepădarea de “diavolul de amiază”

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 1, 2017

Dan Toma Dulciu
, 1877 - William Beatty-Kingston, ziarist britanic, traduce din Eminescu

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 1, 2017

Dan Anghelescu, Vintilă Horia - timp si istorie

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 4, 2016

Dan Toma Dulciu, În jurul unei traduceri eminesciene din Samuel Langhorne Clemens

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 4, 2016

Traian Nojea, Secularizarea averilor mănăstiresti (1863). Scurt excurs istorico – juridic

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 4, 2016 

Nicolae Nicolescu, Apologia şi Apologetica

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 3, 2016

Heinz-Uwe Haus, ‘The Call of the Gods’: Directing Ancient Greek Drama or How to Find a “Breathing Space” for the Audience

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 3, 2016

Dan Toma Dulciu, Un reportaj ocazional: Eminescu descrie incendiul unui faimos teatru din Viena

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 3, 2016

Heinz-Uwe Haus, Necessity versus Progress: Does Ancient Greek Theatre Provide a Vehicle to Guarantee Equal Rights or Does It Simply Imply a Virtuous System?

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 2, 2016


Adrian Dinu Rachieru, Petru Popescu si “romanul popular”

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 2, 2016


Theodor Codreanu, Eminescu, între fizică si poezie

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 2, 2016


Mihaela Albu, Vintilă Horia sub semnul lui Eminescu – în țară și în exil

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 1, 2016


Ioan N. Rosca, Motivul sărutului la Brâncusi si la contemporanii săi Rodin si Klimt

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 1, 2016


Ierom. Maxim (Iuliu-Marius) Morariu, Autobiografia spirituală si valenţele ei psihologice

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 1, 2016


Virginia Stănescu, Momentul Eminescu din perspectiva ideii de generaţie

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 1, 2016


Mihaela Albu, Antilethe. Vintilă Horia - publicist în exil

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 4, 2015


Dan Anghelescu, Vintilă Horia, istoric al filozofiei românesti moderne

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 4, 2015


Theodor Codreanu, Demitizarea crestinismului?

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 3, 2015


Traian Nojea, Fiul lui Dumnezeu în iudaismul modern și contemporan. Repere bio–bibliografice

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 2, 2015

Vasile Andru, Apostatul bizantin și “Apostatul” indian

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 2, 2015


N.Georgescu, Eminescu în oglinzi medicale

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 2, 2015


Lucian Costache, Odată ca-n nici odată. Despre adâncul lumii şi al filosofiei

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 2, 2015


Camelia Suruianu, Alexandru Mironescu poet al sacrului

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 1, 2015


Theodor Codreanu, Călătorii în hristosferă

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 1, 2015


N. Georgescu, Iarăşi despre “postumiada” eminesciană

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 1, 2015


Dan Anghelescu, Constantin Amăriuţei şi inepuizabilul subiect al literaturii române: Mihai Eminescu

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 1, 2015


Răzvan Emanuel Fibisan, Euharistia, ca actualizare si manifestare plenară a Bisericii si ca epifanie a Împărăţiei eshatologice

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 4, 2014


Dan Corneliu Brăneanu, Darul izvoarelor

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 4, 2014


Dan Anghelescu, Dimensiuni identitare în publicistica literară a exilului românesc: eseistica lui Horia Stamatu

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 4, 2014


Camelia Suruianu, Simboluri ezoterice utilizate de Bartolomeu Valeriu Anania în drama Mioriţa

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 3, 2014


Nicolae Iosub, Mihai Eminescu. Despre boala si activitatea poetului în perioada 1883- 1889

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 3, 2014


Antoniu Cătălin Păstin, Rolul si importanţa postului în ortodoxie, încununat de Taina Sfintei Euharistii

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 2, 2014


Mihaela Albu, Basmul românesc în viziune postmodernă

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 2, 2014


Ilie Melniciuc Puică, Mesajul Înaintemergătorului în Evanghelia după Luca

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 1, 2014


Gabriel Dragnea, Între datorie morală si sursă de existenţă Conjuraţia anti-Panait Istrati

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 4, 2013


Mihaela Malea Stroe, Angelic și demonic în Floare albastră și Crăiasa Zăpezii

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 4, 2013


Theodor Codreanu, Realismul gândirii transdisciplinare în filosofia crestină (II) (fragmente)

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 3, 2013


Stelian Gombos, Mihai Eminescu în viziunea Bisericii (II)

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 3, 2013


Ioan C. Teșu, Sublimul ortodoxiei. Reflecții ale Părintelui Profesor Dumitru Stăniloae privind trăsăturile definitorii ale spiritualității ortodoxe

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 2, 2013


Silviu-Constantin Nedelcu, Originea scită a Sfântului Dionisie Exiguul

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 2, 2013


Theodor Codreanu, Realismul gândirii transdisciplinare în filosofia crestină (I)

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 2, 2013


Mihaela Malea Stroe, Mihai Eminescu în viziunea Bisericii (I)

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 2, 2013


Theodor Codreanu, Crestinismul eminescian

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 1, 2013


Cătălin Vatamanu, “Gracious Light” – a Liturgical Belief and a Patristic Testimony

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 4, 2012

Nicolae Nicolescu, Viaţa cultului şi filosofia lui

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 2, 2012, pp. 11-22

Dan Anghelescu, Artele şi nostalgiile lor către muzică

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 2, 2012, pp. 27-32

Aurel M. Cazacu, Eminescu în apărarea lui Titu Maiorescu

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 2, 2012, pp. 39-48

George Liviu Teleoacă, Restituiri în anul dragonului

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 2, 2012, pp. 91-97

Dan Anghelescu, Mihaela Albu şi Terapiile memoriei

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 1, 2012, pp. 21-28

Constantin Miu, Motivul  miresei în lirica lui Eminescu

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 1, 2012, pp. 44-47

Mihaela Albu, Limba - unic reper identitar în literatura exilului românesc (?)

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 4, 2011, pp. 55-61

Constantin Miu, "Ortodoxie şi românism" în concepţia lui Nichifor Crainic şi Dumitru Stăniloae

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 4, 2011, pp. 63-64

Aurelia Al. Constantinescu-Cazacu
, Problematica românismului în viziunea lui Lucian Blaga

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 3, 2011, pp. 13-25


Nicolae Nicolescu, Taina cultică şi slujirea bisericească. Definire hristologică şi antropologică (II)

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 2, 2011, pp. 13-16  

Daniel Gligore, Legăturile Mitropoliei de la Vicina cu Ţara Românească    

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 2, 2011, pp. 23-27  

Nicolae Nicolescu

Taina cultică şi slujirea bisericească. Definire hristologică şi antropologică (I)

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 1, 2011, pp. xxxxxxxxxx and Nr. 2, 2011, pp. 13-16.


Abstract: The Mystery of Worship and the Church Service: Historical and Anthropological Definitions

Serving the Church must be experienced in liturgical acts and in the light of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, shared through the Sacraments.

Within Christ’s “One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic” Church, “Pillar and Foundation of the Truth”, we go through the phases of communion and love and we grasp the spiritual meaning of performing the official worship in the Church, experiencing prayer in liturgical acts and particularly in the holy sacraments, having the Holy Eucharist as their crown.

The spiritual truth taken from the Revelation of the Holy Scriptures and the Holy Tradition, having its sacramental foundation in the martyrdom of the Holy Apostles, of the Holy Fathers and of all saints in history, represents the real basis for meeting the living Person of the Son of God Incarnate, Crucified and Resurrected.

The human being restores the divine image of light and joy, an ontological gift in his being, uniting the two worlds in the spring of Grace and eternal Communion of the Holy Trinity. Today, more than ever, we need to restore that image by promoting authentic goodness, renouncing selfishness, and by discovering brotherly love.




M.N. Rusu

190 de ani de la revoluţia lui Tudor Vladimirescu. Carol Wallenstein, primul scenograf al teatrului în limba română

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 1, 2011, 17-23




Mihaela Albu

Spaţii identitare în memorialistica românească: oraşul (I)

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 1, 2011, pp. 27-32


Abstract: Space as a Face of Identity in Romanian Memoires and Diaries: the City

Memoires (and literary diaries as well) can be perceived as very precious documents about many geographical places, besides their value as documents of the inhabitants’ life.

In this paper we propose a recollection of several territories/ cities from the point of view of some Romanian writers such as Constantin Argetoianu, Cella Delavrancea, Constantin C. Giurescu, Gh. Jurjea-Negrileşti, Virgil Ierunca, Monica Lovinescu, I. D. Sirbu. The spaces they portrayed are cities such as Bucureşti, Brăila, Craiova, Focşani, Galaţi. Each of them, as they are described from the perspective of the moment of writing, turns out to be almost mythical territory. From the perception of the writers, they receive a legendary aura, bearing a certain stamp of distinctiveness. On the other hand, when the writer notes in his diary the quotidian life, his description is more objective and it can be ironical or even sarcastic.


Aurel M. Cazacu

Câte ceva despre începuturile retoricii româneşti

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 1, 2011, pp. 33-39


Stelian Gomboş

Câteva referinţe despre Biserica Ortodoxă şi societatea românească actuală (II)

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 4, 2010

Cristina Tamaş

Conotaţii biblice în romanul românesc modern

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 4, 2010

Dan Anghelescu

Horia Stamatu - poeticul între Filozofie şi Religie (II). Poemul ca vibraţie a sacralităţii      

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 4, 2010

Mihaela Albu

Virgil Ierunca – un  scriitor şi o conştiinţă

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 4, 2010



Dan Anghelescu

Horia Stamatu  -  poeticul între filozofie şi religie  (I) 

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 3, 2010

Stelian Gomboş

Câteva referinţe despre Biserica Ortodoxă şi societatea românească actuală (I) 

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 3, 2010


Dan Brudaşcu

Octavian Goga. Noi lămuriri 

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 2, 2010



Stelian Gombos

Despre omul de azi din Biserica, intre Hristos, existentialism si secularizare

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 1, 2010, pp. 11-18


Abstract: În studiul de fata, plecand de la conditia si statutul celor doi talhari care au fost rastigniti pe cruce odata cu Mantuitorul nostru Iisus Hristos, am ajuns la observatia ca cei doi reprezinta umanitatea intreaga de astazi si dintotdeauna, vis-a-vis de Domnul Iisus Hristos. Aceasta introducere m-a ajutat foarte mult sa dezbat problema omului de azi din Biserica, intre Hristos, existentialism si secularizare, ajungand astfel, la cateva observatii si concluzii cu privire la aspectele secularismului, ce influenteaza si afecteaza intr-o mai mai mica sau mai mare masura viata spirituala a credinciosilor contemporani si, implicit viata sacramentala ori doctrinara a Bisericii.

Concluzia esentiala a studiului este aceea a redesoperirii si reiterarii tezaurului patristic, liturgic, canonic si dogmatic al Bisericii cu scopul fortificarii duhovnicesti a oamenilor si consolidarii vietii bisericesti misionare, in vederea combaterii desacralizarii vietii crestine si a relativismului religios, care constituie factorii principali ai afirmarii si extinderii secularizarii in contextul globalizarii lumii acesteia postmoderne.

Drept urmare, intoarcerea la originile invataturii bisericesti inseamna intarirea cuvantului Mantuitorului nostru Iisus Hristos – care ne asigura ca “Biserica este cetatea pe care nici portile iadului nu o vor birui!...”




Ioan N. Rosca

Opozitii sau interferente culturale intre occidentul si rasaritul european?

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 1, 2010, pp. 19-24



Constantin Miu

Spriritualitatea geto-daca in Memento mori

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 1, 2010, pp. 31-36




Ioan N. Rosca

Comunicare interculturala intre similitudini si diferente specifice

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 4, 2009, pp. 11-18




Dumitru Olarescu

Artele plastice in imagini filmice. Opere si destine (studiu de sinteza)

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 4, 2009, pp. 19-29




Mihaela Albu

Presa literara a exilului romanesc. Contributii eseistice in revista Luceafarul: Mircea Eliade

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 4, 2009, pp. 35-39




Nicolae Iuga

Religion and ethnicity with S. P. Huntington

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 4, 2009, pp. 45-51


Abstract: In this article we analyze the relation between religion and ethnicity, as it is developed by S. P. Huntington in The Clash of Civilizations.  We have particularly chosen this author because, in our view, Huntington is constantly referring to the religion  -  ethnicity relation, as it can be found all around the world nowadays. Religion becomes a factor of differentiation between civilizations and it will have a great/ an amazing impact in a possible clash of civilizations. Huntington performs the most structured and complete analysis of the matter, which is relevant for the present moment and holds an obvious predictive dimension.

Keywords: religion, ethnicity, civilization, nationalism, Occident, Turkey, Japan, Christianity, Islamism.




Baki Ymeri

The Albanian-Romanian phenomenology ― a miracle of history

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 4, 2009, pp. 53-58


Abstract: The Albanians are the Romanians’ only relatives from the Dacian-Thracian-Illyrian family. We will uncover here a fascinating terrain of interlinkages dating back to the beginning of history and which have not yet been sufficiently explored. Our Roman-ness did not begin with Trajan’s invasion (101–106 AD), nor did it begin with Decebalus or Burebista. It started much earlier, by means of pastoral farming. We will analyze here its linguistic, ethnographic, and ethnological elements. The ethno-spiritual relationships between the Thracian-Romanian and Illyrian-Albanian pastoralism date from the proto-Roman and proto-Latin periods.




Petru Adrian Danciu

Origen si numele divin in lucrarea Contra lui Celsus

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 3, 2009




Aurelia Roman

Centenarul Eugen Ionesco: controverse, obsesii si glorie planetara

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 3, 2009



Mircea Itu

Conceptul de spirit la Constantin Noica raportat la Mircea Eliade

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 3, 2009



Adrian Gh. Paul

 Adolescenta si tentatiile ei intr-o lume desacralizata. Noi alternative crestine

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 3, 2009



Adrian Gh. Paul

Teologia –viata noastra in Hristos

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 2, 2009, pp. 11 ff.


The scientific approach of theology cannot be ever finalized. It is ever new. Theology itself is a science in that it relates not only to God, but also to God's work in the world. At the same time, theology is not pure intellectual speculation; it is intimate and profound living and appropriation by the believer of God's presence in the world. It has, evidently, a Theo-centric and Christo-centric character. Theology is also science, because it is not based only on human reason but om the divine reason as well.




Laura Enache

Triadologia Sfantului Ioan Damaschinul sau Teologia fiintei 

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 1, 2009


Abstract: The Triadology of St. John of Damascus or the Theology of the Being

The texts that are put together in this volume represent the Damascenian synthesis concerning the Trinity dogma that this last Father who puts an end to the Patristic age places in the core of the general presentation of the Orthodox belief. The presentation of the Trinity dogma in the case of St. John of Damascus reflects a scholastic-syllogistic manner which had also been used in other works too, the syllogistic approach being always determined by the universal-particular relationship. Our work describes the way in which the Saint Father structures his speech concerning God-The One generic being, the incomprehensible character of the godlike being and also the absolute impossibility of its knowledge and definition according to its absolute ineffable. The study insists upon the fact that St. John of Damascus’ dogmatism aims at giving an answer to the new Christological controvercies that were coming out when these treaties were born.




Cristina Otovescu-Frasie

Cultura drepturilor omului in Romania 

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 1, 2009


Abstract: The Culture of Human Rights in Romania

Analyzing the structure of human rights in the contemporary world, the paper underlines the fact that in the Romanian educational system the study of human rights is included in the general education system of youths. The paper informs about the results of a research study done in 2008 using 1,200 subjects from Sibiu and Craiova about people’s level of information regarding the institutions that are in charge of regulating human rights.




Zenovie Carlugea

Eminescu in lumina meditatiei crestine 

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 1, 2009


Abstract: Eminescu in the Light of Christian Meditation

The main idea of this paper starts from the increasingly popular tendency in some studies on Eminescu to discover in his works not only a poet of religious sensitivity, but also a poet whose creation focuses on Orthodox spirituality.

As all Romantic poets, Eminescu was interested in universal mythologies and he made use of referrential images and metaphores taken from the impressive diversity of humanity’s old cultural traditions. The study demonstrates that this Orthodox complex identifiable in the great poet’s thought is only one part of the great imaginary architecture built through his works.



Mircea Botis, Radu Botis

Activitatea desfasurata de catre preotul Vasile Lucaciu in America in scopul realizarii Marii Unitati Nationale 

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 1, 2009


Abstract: The Activity Developped by Priest Vasile Lucaciu in America with an Aim at Achieving the Great National Union  

A complex political personality of his age, Vasile Lucaciu placed himself in the activity which he had developped, in the foreground of the great socio-political and national events. Among other ideas, our study brings into light his participation in the achievement and activation of The Memorandum (1892), the activation of the Transylvanian Romanians’political spirit on the occasion of the Conference in Sibiu (1905), the entry of Romania in the war together with the Entente, the organizing of the 25000 Transylvanian refugees in Romania in a volunteer unity of the Romanian army.  One of the most important actions of Priest Vasile Lucaciu was the one which he had developped as a head of the political mission sent by the Romanian Government in USA in 1917, when, at the White House, he had the opportunity to address himself at a high level ceremonial mentioning the patriotic purpose of the Romanian mission (July 2, 1917).




Andrei Paunescu

Scriitori si politica in Romania. Romanii, intre apogeul individual si abisul colectiv

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 4, 2008


Abstract:  Writers and Politics in Romania: The Romanians between the Individual Climax and the Collective Abyss  

The assumption the present study starts from is that ”politics has never been for Romanians (in their millenary existence) a habit which has been practiced in a natural way and on a long term fully-experienced basis. It is rather an exception, a concession of the destiny, a temporary caprice, a fashion, an obsessive temptation, an ability which has never turned into a normal phenomenon...” Under these circumstances the study proves that, for the great writers of Romania, the involvement in politics was almost a fatality in the conditions in which through politics one has never succeeded - and not even now does the same one succeed – to rule reality in a proper way as well as to rule the whole economical social mechanism. As a consequence, for the writers politics has been an assumption of certain risks, of a permanently awaken consciousness at the service of the public interest. In their work, among other main things, one can distinguish defence, the conservation or recuperation of the kinship, language and cultural identity. The study even talks about the notion of illuminated nationalism as a radical and distilled form of patriotism which can find its expression in many of the great Romanian writers’works.



Petru Adrian Danciu

Origen si numele divin in lucrarea „Contra lui Celsus“

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 4, 2008, pp.




Mircea Itu

“God was born in Exile”. Mircea Eliade and the Recuperation of the Sacred

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 4, 2008, pp. xxxxxxxx


Abstract: The study reveals the place of the exile in Romanian culture and talks about one of the most important example of  both inner and exterior exile, Mircea Eliade. The recuperation of the sacred is presented as the solution to it.

The author outlines the examples of important personalities from Romanian history and culture for whom „God was born in Exile”, as they were forced or they chose to live and create abroad. He then shows the importance of their creations, many of them being well recognized in their adoptive countries.

Then he gives the example of Mircea Eliade which proves the complexity of exile and reveals both inner and exterior exile. He explains the diversity of expericences that Eliade had. He expressed his ideas in different languages, being well appreciated for his outstanding concepts in comparative religion.

The author says that Mircea Eliade taught about the liberation of man from the terror of history and the abolition of time, he wrote that there is an exile of human being from the profane time and from the fear of death. The solution which Eliade proposed is the exit from profane time while rediscovering, through true knowledge, the sacred aspect of time, the cosmical and reversible time. He suggests the trip towards the origin for the recuperation of the sacred time.



Anca Codruta Stanisoara

Religious Matters in the Anglo-Saxon Society. Old English Heathenism and the Introduction of Christianity

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 4, 2008, pp. xxxxxxxx


Abstract:  During the Anglo-Saxon period English schools were among the finest in Europe due to the fact that learning and Christianity went hand in hand. Religious matters were first related to the English Heathenism and later on after the introduction of Christianity they influenced the development of learning, which started in the monasteries. The wealth of learning brought by Christianism produced a true Anglo-Saxon Renaissance by the 8 th century and gave birth to the first pages of Christian epics as well as to the famous poems in the four Old English manuscripts and of The Cynewulfian School.




Cristina Otovescu-Frasie

Cultura drepturilor omului in Romania

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 4, 2008, pp. xxxxxxxx


Abstract: The Culture of Human Rights in Romania

Analyzing the structure of human rights in the contemporary world, the paper underlines the fact that in the Romanian educational system the study of human rights is included in the general education system of youths. The paper informs about the results of a research study done in 2008 using 1,200 subjects from Sibiu and Craiova about people’s level of information regarding the institutions that are in charge of regulating human rights.




Gheorghe Macarie

Preliminarii la baroc 

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 3, 2008, pp 11-19.


Abstract:  The study introduces the reader to the history of the concept of "baroque" and places it in the artistic context of the times, while analyzing its development and spreading to different nations and cultures, including the Romanian principalities.

A number of essential characteristics of this art is also presented.




Andrei Paunescu

Maiorescu si Eminescu, capete de pod catre noul secol

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 3, 2008, pp 23-27.




Gabriela Rusu-Pasarin

Cultura presei si paradigmele identitatii 

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 3, 2008, pp. 39-42, and Nr. 4, 2008, pp.


Abstract: The Culture of the Press and the Paradigm of Identity

The study analyses the data of the present mediatic phenomenon which, in the contemporary world, is in an aggressive expansion phase contributing to the appearance and settlement of a new cultural form, the Medi Culture. It acquires more and more the form of what one can foreshadow to become a future culture of a global unity. At the same time we have to do with an environment which can bring its contribution in an effective way to the building up of the Self, of the individual identitites, of the social identity and last but not least of the national and cultural European identity. 




Aurel M. Cazacu

Sofismul in practica argumentativa 

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 3, 2008, pp. 43-52.


Abstract:  Sophism in the argumentative practice

The critical evaluation of the argumentations or of the argumentative chains implies both the analysis of arguments as well as the use of the varied methods of each argumentation technique category. Such an endeavor which is neither final nor easy to achieve, strives to outline, often in a similar way to the demonstration examination manner, whether or not the grounding of the thesis was performed according to the requirements of accurateness. Not always such requirements are observed. The qualification of some argumentations as “erroneous” or ”faulty” or the consideration there of as “logic juggling” and “logical tricks” leads us to our topic The Sophism in the Argumentative Practice.The sophism (sophisma in Old Greek or fallacia in Latin) has the meaning of “trick”, “cheat” and points to a series of logical errors found in the practice of idea justification through demonstrations or argumentations, irrespective if they are deliberate or not. However the researchers have tried to distinguish these logical errors also in relation to their deliberate or non-deliberate perspective, hence the common distinction between “sophisms” (deliberate logical errors) and “paralogisms” (non-deliberate logical errors).

Starting with Aristotle and continuing with John Stuart Mill in the modern age, and with the contemporary researchers Irving M. Copi, Daniel J. Sullivan, Barbara Warnick and Edward S. Inch, Christian Plantin, C.L. Hamblin, John Woods and Douglas Walton, Frans H. van Eemeren and Rob Grootendorst etc. sophisms have been submitted to analysis and systematization attempts.

There are many aspects which make us reject the exclusivity of such attempts, whereas the table of argumentation errors is much more extended and before all open. However we shall hereinafter ponder only on those which are considered frequent in almost all fields or argumentative situations.


Keywords: argumentation, argument, error, logic, sophism


Constantin  Miu

Personajele in  absentia in teatrul lui Caragiale

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 3, 2008, pp. 53-58.


Abstract:  In Absentia Characters in the Plays of Caragiale

When there were references to the characters from the plays of Caragiale, there were brought into discussion the ones in absentia too. In the following lines we will talk about this class of characters.

There are two types of in absentia characters in Caragiale’s plays: the ones that are partially absent and the ones that are totally absent. Rica Venturiano and Nae Catavencu belong to the first category. Each of the two men show up in the second act – Rica in the second scene (O noapte furtunoasa – A stormy night) and Catavencu in  the seventh scene (O scrisoare pierduta – A lost letter). Until then, there are discussions about them. In the second category belong Ghita Ţircandau and Tache the shoemaker (O noapte furtunoasa – A stormy night), Garibaldi and Mita (Conul Leonida fata cu reactiunea – Master Leonida facing the reaction), Popa Pripici and his son, Trahanache (O scrisoare pierduta – A lost letter).

In absentia characters are characterized through the comic dialogues reproduced by other characters.




Theodor Coresi

Dramaturgia si retorica muzicii in liturghie, in cantul vocal cultic crestin (Partea I)

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 1, 2008, pp. 15-34


Abstract:  This study discusses the functions of the liturgical music in pre-Christian times as well as in the Byzantine and Western traditions. It explains the concepts of "drama" and "rhethoric" in the context of the music, using Christian-Patristic literature to clarify their meanings and implications in the spiritual life of the worshipping community.




Aura Al. Constantinescu-Cazacu

Reflectiile tanarului Mircea Eliade despre semnificatia ortodoxiei

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 1, 2008, pp. 37-45.


Abstract:  The Thoughts of Young Mircea Eliade on the Significance of Orthodoxy

The present survey evidenced a less known aspect of Mircea Eliade’s preoccupation during the initiating period of “his spiritual itinerary”, when he encouraged young generation, which he himself was a part of, to crystallize its own ideal. Not accidentally, for the future savant in the history and philosophy of religions, the ideal may only be identified on the dike of orthodoxy, the core of the authentic Christianity. But the path is one of obstacles, not anyone and anytime can pass through it, and it only materializes at the end of a number of experiences of existential nature.

At the age of 20, Mircea Eliade admits in public that he is beginning to fill attracted by the orthodox tradition, a precious part of the Romanian history and culture and he sustains that you are not borne, but you become an orthodox, thesis that shall, during the era, give rise to intense discussions. His arguments of a physiological nature, with a significant existential-Christian and intuitive philosophy character, gave rise to powerful reactions from the coevals Nae Ionescu, Mircea Vulcanescu, Paul Sterian, Serban Cioculescu and others. Therefore in the pages of “Viata Literara” (“Literary life”) two ways of philosophical comparison to orthodoxy confronted: the classical one, where the faith acts almost fatalistic, as something inevitable, and the Eliadistic one (but with certain neo-protestant and oriental mysticism influences), whereby faith is reached (or not) based on our free choice and depending on the way of understanding the relation between transcendent and the material world.


Zenovie Carlugea

Eminescu in atentia serviciilor secrete

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 1, 2008, pp. 47-55.




Mihaela Albu

Un reprezentant al „poeziei inchisorilor”: Zahu Pana

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 1, 2008, pp. 63-66.


Abstract:  Zahu Pana  and the „Poetry of Prisons”

A very important name of the Romanian writers who suffered under the communist regime, managing to emigrate and live in the last part of his life in the United States, was Zahu Pana. In exile, he published a volume of poetry Cu acul pe sapun (With a Needle on a Soap), but more important is his Antology - Poezii din inchisori (Poems from Prisons).

About his life in the Romanian communist prisons, about his poetry and also about many other poets who could create (with enormous sacrifices) tragic poems in those hard conditions, Zahu Pana spoke in an interview published in Lumea libera, the anti-communist newspaper published in New York.

This article put in the light for today readers the most important issues of this interview.

Theodor Damian

Origen, Theologian and Philosopher: On First Principles

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 4, 2007, pp. 17-24.


Abstract:  This article intents to present one of Origen's most important books, On First Principles, and to indicate its relevance for the development of Christian theology after him. Starting with a brief introduction where Origen's personality is brought to the reader's attention, the paper focuses on the method the author uses in elaborating his work, and then discusses shortly a series of main theological topics of the book, such as those related to Christology, Pneumatology, Creation, Free Will, the  Holy Scriptures, and concludes by presenting Origen's legacy in the Christian world.


Aurel M. Cazacu

Titu Maiorescu - contemporanul nostru

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 4, 2007, pp, 27-33.


Abstract:  Titu Maiorescu – Our Contemporary

The author presents the complex personality of the one who was the mentor of The Junimea Society, of the one who directed the theoretical researches of his time by the means of his University lectures and who also had a defining contribution in the establishing of the Romanian orthography, in the orientation of the Romanian literature, in the political and diplomatic sphere. In the above-mentioned study one talks about the logic professor’s contribution, Titu Maiorescu, the one who in 1876 published in his Logic a sort of a schoolbook. The study brings into discussion the value of this work considered from the perspective of the contemporary thinking in this field.

Mihaela Albu

Ziarul Lumea libera - document si memorie a exilului romanesc

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 4, 2007, pp. 53-56.


Abstract:   The Free World Journal – A Document and a Memory of the Romanian Exile

This work is focused on one of the most important publications of the Romanian exile - The Free World Journal in New York, being registered in the vast area of the researches in the history of the press of our exile. The analysis highlights the particularly special part played by this publication in the life of the Romanian emigration both in America and on other meridians in the world. At the same time the research emphasizes the fight of this publication against the communist totalitarism. The value of The Free World Journal is also underlined through the contribution of some high-rank personalities from the Romanian and international sphere of politics and culture.



Catalin Vatamanu

Fundamentele biblico dogmatice ale teologiei Învierii in opera Sfantului Ioan Gura de Aur

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 3, 2007, pp. 9-22.


Abstract:  The Biblical-dogmatical Foundations of the Theology of Resurrection in the Writings of John Chrysostom

The approach of the biblical - dogmatical foundations of the Theology of Resurrection in the Writings of John Chrysostom is not the result of a speculative reflection and, even this approach is systemic and methodical, it doesn’t derive from scientific analyses, but it denotes an intense personal inner feeling.

The Resurrection is the essence of our faith and the base of the Church, is the mystery of human salvation, it is the basis of our renewal through baptism, the guarantee of our resurrection and of our eternal life. Even our Christian life is the proof of the presence of the Resurrection gifts and a foretaste of the eternal life.




Zenovie Carlugea

Ecouri precrestine ale Isihasmului

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 3, 2007, pp. 23-29.


Abstract: Isihasmul (practică a liniştirii sufleteşti), apare în tradiţia paleo-creştină (sec.III –IV), ca virtute a purificării şi iluminării harice. Ulterior dobândeşte structurare, identitate şi fundamentare teologică (sec. XIV).

Ca sitem doctrinar se bazează pe exerciţiu meditaţiei întru desăvârşirea noetică şi ontologică.

Ideea de ascetism isihast, practicată de misticii ortodoxiei nord-dunărene vine de la o tradiţie pre-ceştină mai veche a preoţilor geto-daci.




Mircea Itu

The Hermeneutics of Myth

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 3, 2007, pp. 33-49.


Abstract:  The article outlines the significant role which the hermeneutics of myth played in the philosophical approach towards religion in general.

The author follows different interpretations of the myth and relates them to other theories of myth, both traditional and modern.

The author shows some definitions of the myth and the view on the myth of different scholars who studied this field. Myth is not a false story, but a sacred history. He points out that myth is complementary to science and to history. He then describes the categories of myth and its meanings.

Afterwards, he reveals the perception of myth in the modern world and the negativistic theories against myth.

He concludes by showing what the aim of demythisation should be and that myth serves as a model, with its sacred and repetitive nature, being a ground for human behaviour.




Nicolae Iuga

Teologia lui Dumitru Staniloaie in contextul spiritualitatii europene contemporane

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 2, 2007, pp. 19-28.


Abstract: Modernitatea a început cu o afirmare a a raţiunii şi a sfârşit cu o saturaţie raţionalistă. Dar, totuşi, se afirmă, trăirea mistică este esenţială şi constitutivă omului.

În eseistica franceză s-a vorbit insistent despre o “dezvrăjire” a lumii (désenchantement), prin lucrarea lui Marcel Gauchet, în care se relua un termen al lui Max Weber ce pretindea că în lumea modernă magia a  fost eliminată.

Pe de altă parte M.Eliade vorbeşte despre perenitatea lui homo religiosus.

Dumitru Stăniloaie este considerat unul dintre cei mai importanţi teologi europeni, autor al unui curs de Ascetică şi Mistică la facultatea de Teologie din Bucureşti. Ascetica echivalând cu purificarea de patimi şi dobândirea de virtuţi, Mistica fiind unirea cu Dumnezeu, stare la care se ajunge prin epuizarea tuturor posibilităţilor raţiunii.




Theodor Damian

The Longing for God in Eminescu’s Poetry

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 2, 2007, pp. 37-44.


Abstract:  This paper is an attempt to demonstrate how  a series of fundamental values of the Christian Tradition as reflected in the Romanian Orthodox history were integral part of  Eminescu's thinking and implicitly present in his works.

In doing that the author starts an argument with one of Eminescu's interpreters, Alexander Melian, who explains some of Eminescu's direct or indirect references to religion in non-religious terms. The paper concludes with the idea that Eminescu was much more of a theologian than he appears to have been.




Andreea Chelu

Poezia religioasa eminesciana: Rugaciune, Dumnezeu si om, Rasai asupra mea

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 1, 2007, pp. 13-19.


Abstract: Poezia şi religia – se afirmă în lucrare – reprezintă, fiecare în felul său, acte de comunicare.

Poezia religioasă apare mai întâi ca zestre spirituală. Ea va fi percepută fie ca literatură, fie ca operă de credinţă. Între ipostazele lirice eminesciene trebuie relevată dimensiunea creştină.

Opoziţia dintre credinţa simplă şi sinceră şi opoziţia ştiinţifică este evidenta în texte şi reflectă viziunea lui Eminescu asupra credinţei şi a raportului acesteia cu timpul.




George Liviu Teleoaca

Lykantropia de la proslavirea unicului ziditor la apologia carnasierului sau Mircea Eliade contra lui Mircea Eliade

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 1, 2007, pp. 25-31.


Abstract: Fascinat de arhaismul atestat al lupului în simbolistica religioasă, Mircea Eliade a încercat să integreze într-o singură viziune toate manifestările cultice ilustrate de imaginea lupului.

Monumentalitatea unei opere nu poate servi – susţine autorul – suport pentru acreditarea unei erori. În acord cu subtitlul Istorie şi semnificaţie în religie, se pune în valoare ideea că istoria religiilor ar putea avea o contribuţie importantă la formarea unui nou umanism la scară mondială.




Mircea Itu

Îndumnezeirea omului in viziunea lui Dumitru Staniloae

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 4, 2006, pp. 15-23.


Abstract: Man's Deification in Dumitru Staniloae's Vision

Dumitru Staniloaie is one of the most important Christian Orthodox theologians from the XXth century. The author intends to outline that he also has a mystical approach to religion. Thus, following the theories of other important Christian theologians such as Saint John Cassian, Gregoy of Palamas and Nikolai Berdiaev, Staniloaie insists upon the image of God in man.

The author presents Staniloaie’s concepts of theosis and kenosis. In conclusion, one should not confront theology and mysticism.


Keywords: image of God in man, image of man in God, theosis, kenosis.




George Liviu Teleoaca

Brasov – capitala ecumenica

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 4, 2006, pp. 25-29.


Abstract: Braşovul pune astăzi problema unor noi contribuţii lamişcarea ecumenică în vederea atingerii marelui ideal pe care autorul îl numeşte unitatea credinţei.

Biblia care va trebui respectată în întregul ei, prevede pentru preoţia lui Iisus Hristos o singură rânduială.

Pe plan general există temeiuri ontologice pentru a accepta unitatea Biserici, întoarcerea la unitatea originară prin regăsirea de sine a fiecăruia întru ascendenţa sa.




Daniel Dascalu

Binecredinciosul Voievod Ştefan cel Mare si Sfant: cateva consideratii pe marginea canonizarii

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 3, 2006, pp. 15-27.


Abstract: La ceas aniversar (500 de ani de la trecerea la cele veşnice), sunt prezentate motivele care au determinat canonizarea domnitorului. Între acestea sunt enumerate – sub titlul de ortodoxia vieţii – trei mari virtuţi creştine: credinţa, nădejdea şi dragostea care l-au călăuzit de-a lungul vieţii.

Între alte virtuţi sunt pomenite ascultarea faţă de dohovnic, condiţie de primire a ajutorului lui Dumnezeu şi împlinirea rânduielilor Bisericii şi cea de ctitor de lăcaşuri sfinte.




Zenovie Carlugea

Brancusi – reverberatii liturgice

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 3, 2006, pp. 29-32.


Abstract:  Nepot al cioplitorului în lemn, Constantin cel care ridicase biserica din Hobiţa cu hramul Sf. Dumitru. În cimitirul din vecinătatea ei dorm somnul de veci părinţii şi neamurile în frunte cu cioplitorul al cărui nume e trecut în proscomidarul din altar.

Constantin Brâncuşi – se spune în articol –avea în suflet duhul rugăciunii şi afirmase că i-a văzut pe tată şi pe bunic „rugându-se înainte de a ciopli lemnul cu barda pentru a face din el cruci.”

Templele şi bisericile, potrivit mărturiei sale reproduse în articol, au rămas lăcaşuri ale meditaţiei.

La Craiova, ca elev şi apoi ca mic slujbaş cânta în strana bisericii Madona Dudu şi trăgea clopotele.

Ulterior, în Franţa,  va fi şi cântăreţ şi paracliser la Capela Română din Jean-de-Beauvais  alături de preotul-paroh Chesarie Ştefanu. Între aforismele şi textele lui Brâncuşi: „Divinitatea e pretutindeni!...este chiar aici şi putem cu toţii să facem parte din ea….noi nu reprezentăm nimic”.




Constantin Miu

Spiritul nastratinesc in La lilieci

Lumina Lina. Gracious Light, Nr. 3, 2006, pp. 33-39.


Abstract:  The Nastratinian Spirit in La Lilieci

In the series of The Bats, the dialogue, the elliptical formulations and the onomatopoeic interjections or the ones with verbal value (specific to the peasant, that makes the best of a bad bargain) give orality to a writing that exploits the virtues of the nastratinian spirit. The spectacle of the rustic humanity is similar (but not identical!) with the one from The memories of Creanga. If in Amintiri din copilarie (Childhood memories) of Creanga we find the game with masks, in a play that is similar to a carnival, performed by Nica and his brothers, the story-teller being both actor and director, in Morometii (first volume) by Marin Preda, and in the books that make the epic La lilieci written by Marin Sorescu, the way that the rural world is seen as a spectacle, proposes a different manner from that of Creanga. In Morometii, the protagonist – Ilie Moromete – becomes, along with the reader, a spectator of the things that happen, but there are moments when he is director and actor in the same time. The sorescian rural humanity is presented by a discrete director, that leaves the impression that the world is self presenting. That explains the presence of dialogue, which reveals the spontaneity of speaking and the fact that the play is performed right under the reader’s eyes. This trait belongs to the nastratinian spirit.